
Friday, February 15, 2013

ephesians 2:10

for we are god's masterpiece. 
he created us anew in christ jesus, 
so we can do the things he planned for us long ago. 
eph. 2:10

this verse continues to come to me while i'm running.  showering.  writing.  making dinner.  when i'm trying to get comfortable and fall asleep at night.  

for some reason, i can't shake it.  it's a verse that i've heard time and time again, but it's starting to take on a different meaning to me.  

we are his workmanship.  his masterpiece.  
masterpiece?  really?  do i really believe that and live that out? 
we are designed.  we have unique purpose.  unique perspective.  unique lives, characteristics, quirks, and passions.  (and, let me tell you, i've been blessed with many quirks.  endearing quirks as we like to call them in our house.)

i'm starting to realize the power this verse has when i meditate on it and believe it.  i'm realizing that my mind has such power over how i feel and live.  if i think about myself and my life in a certain way, i'm going to start to believe whatever it is my mind is telling me.  the version of myself that god sees is still there, it's just buried under layers and walls of other lies and stories i've told myself.  and living from behind all those walls and barriers is so suffocating and destructive.

our minds are so powerful. 

but, thankfully, god is even more powerful. 

i'm finding that this has to be a daily reminder for me.  a renewal of my mind right before my feet hit the chilly floor.  

also, how amazing + beautiful is the book of ephesians?  i've always felt a tug towards it, but i'm loving it more and more each time i come back to read through it. 

have a wonderful day, everyone!

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